Yes, It probably would take some time, but the signature to the south and north of X-10 is looking better. It does seem to be trying to pull another "like last night stunt". However, it is small and small enough that it would not influence wind conditions in Puerto Rico. That seems a bit far away based on what I'm seeing in the shortwave images. Link to shortwave loop: http://www.ssd.noaa.gov/PS/TROP/DATA/RT/float-ir2-loop.html May never develop, but I don't think this thing is done in trying to make a go of it yet. Quick P.S.: Hope noone thinks I'm referring to the debris clouds that are spinning to the SE of the system. Also, Would like to admit that I feel that the system would have a better chance if there wasn't so much energy being used by the systems around it. Admittadly, the Satellite imagery is pretty busy with disorganized t-storms in the vacinity of x-10. |