Tue Aug 23 2005 04:06 PM
5pm disco

if stewart does the 5pm advisory package i'm sure we'll get an explanation of the naming choice... he's good about that kind of stuff. calling it 10 would be kind of a stretch.. the center we tracked off td 10 died out on august 18, with the mid level center tailing behind. the actual track of the low level feature would be well west of what we've been calling xtd 10 and it doesn't exist anymore. the mlc hasn't been very solid either; really just a vorticity imprint. considering that official advisories for td 10 ended on august 14... bringing it back on august 23 would be even odder than ivan being reclassified off its mid/low vorticity remnant 3/4 days after the hpc stopped tracking it... or bonnie coming back from a wave after a five day hiatus from td 2 earlier last year. this is more in line with td 6/td 7 in 2003 (which was a depression east of the antilles.. then a depression that slid into georgia)... the two vestiges were related, but indirectly.
anyway, that's just a bunch of scientific mumbojumbo.. i'm more concerned with the classification of sheared and hybrid systems than dead/alive systems.
HF 2006z23august

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