Rick on boat in Mobile
(Weather Drama Guru)
Fri Aug 26 2005 10:35 AM

on the Miami radar..it looks like the storm is trying to reform....possibly in a concentrated eyewall building/rebuilding gig...don't know...but I would discount the turn to the north just yet.

Not sure why the models and the path haven't changed...the hurricane is considerably sw of where they thought it'd be....

can't see a quick jog north...but we'll all be suprised with this one. A noted and respected meteorologist in Mobile...Dr. Bill Williams...thought this would reach major hurricane status as a 3, and for the first time....he added...maybe a 4. Now, I'm not predicting, wishcasting, etc...just letting my thoughts fly.

this is August, ya know...and hurricanes don't belong in the GOM in August...

I hope this doesn't hit anyone....but it will.

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