12Z NOGAPs west to MS/AL border https://www.fnmoc.navy.mil/CGI/PUBLIC/wx...prp&tau=084 12Z GFDL brings storm to east of Biloxi MS HOUR LATITUDE LONGITUDE HEADING/SPEED(KT) 0 25.2 81.9 255./ 6.0 6 25.2 82.4 276./ 4.4 12 25.2 82.9 268./ 4.7 18 25.5 83.2 309./ 3.4 24 25.9 83.7 309./ 6.0 30 26.2 84.4 297./ 6.5 36 26.4 85.2 283./ 8.2 42 26.5 86.1 279./ 7.8 48 26.9 87.0 295./ 8.7 54 27.3 87.8 299./ 8.2 60 27.8 88.2 316./ 6.4 66 28.4 88.6 329./ 6.8 72 29.5 88.7 354./11.0 78 30.6 88.8 355./10.6 84 31.5 88.7 8./ 9.4 90 32.7 88.3 16./12.2 96 34.5 87.9 14./17.7 102 36.4 87.4 14./20.0 108 38.1 86.9 16./17.4 114 39.4 86.7 11./13.3 120 40.8 86.0 26./14.2 126 41.7 85.1 48./11.4 12Z UKMET also shifted significantly west to off the SE tip of LA whether this all comes to fruition remains to be seen but certainly not good news for the MS/AL areas |