(Senior Storm Chaser)
Fri Aug 26 2005 02:36 PM
Re: Direction


What will be interesting Frank is to see 00Z runs tonight see if they keep the W shift on.If that should be the case this girl has all the Mets guessi'n.Steve pointed out the window for NO is closing if she was ever to make it that far.I think we now have four Global Models on SE LA to the MS/AL line.

Don't go too much by the models. Remember what happened with Dennis. FLIP FLOP! Just kidding. No, they went back and forth as to the point of landfall, right up to the hours before landfall. The NHC guidance was consistent, except for the one forecast which shifted landfall to MOB the night before landfall, and their track record very good. If you spend this weekend looking at landfall points for the models after every run, hey, you'll be in a padded room by Monday!

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