(Weather Watcher)
Fri Aug 26 2005 02:41 PM
Re: Direction

Hello from the Big Bend…. Well... you can blame(credit) any sou'westerly movement on me... I am huffing and puffing as hard as I can to keep it away.. Honest!!!

On a more serious note, ARC Disaster Services (Tallahassee) is now on stand-by and I will be going in to hdqtrs tomorrow noon. Logistics and staffing, that’s my game!! <g>

Basically, we have had record rainfall, something like 21" since June 1 (I think) and 46” this year. So the ground is soaked. This is much the same conditions that met Hurricane Kate back in 1985. A fact that hasn't escaped local meterologists. Kate came ashore at Apalachicola in Nov. 1985, as a Cat 1 (as I remember) and the next morning the trees looked like a tangle of fiddlesticks. This is definitely a possibility if any part of this storm hits near... and, as some models indicate, we would be on the 'wrong side'...

We were without power for over a week... and some longer. A huge oak behind my apartment was pulled up/out/over by the roots, due to the soggy ground. It could happen again..

Seems kind of 'deja vu-like' that both storms are "Ks"... Kate the last and late storm of the season, and Katrina, perhaps the first of a new wave of hurricanes closing out this season....


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