Quote:Quote: Good question...where are any of the mods? ------ That Weather Underground map is 3 hours old which makes it before the latest early model runs came out. The track doesn't match the model runs anymore, nor does it match what wxman007 said the NHC told him during a phone conference. Further, I don't recall anyone saying that the system would hit Cat 4 shortly after it reached the gulf. GFDL last night was indicating a Cat 2, and that's what it did. It then showed slow strengthening for the next day before reaching strong Cat 3 or Cat 4. Frankly, the GFDL seems to be the closest in intensity and not too bad for track so far...the rest of the models are even worse! Ralph, I'd suggest you read more about what people are talking about rather than just stick your head in the sand and say "this is what it is." We aren't experts, but we aren't idiots either. If you're going to say something, make sure what you're saying is accurate. NHC 5pm said 115 KT - that is Cat 4. You can't argue it isn't! It's a definition! --RC |