[Hate to burst your bubble, but the casinos are required to be built to withstand Cat 4 winds. Any that can't have to be moved into the interior bay (Back Bay). They will suffer serious damage, as will every structure likely, but they will not be totally destroyed.
There is now way on Earth that ALL of the Casinos could be moved into Back Bay at Biloxi before Monday Morning. That plan was good when it was designed, in part by the late Wade Guice. There are too many Casinos in place. Not enough room for all of them. A CAT 4 going ashore west of Gulfport would probably wipe out 50 % of them. I may be a little low on that estimate. FrankP, you look at them every day. What's your take on moving them all?
Only two or three of them would need to be moved. The Grands, Beau, Isle and Magic are built to withstand a Cat 4-5 storm in place, I read once. They are actually designed to withstand up to 180 mph gusts I think. Now, the smaller casinos like the former President... well, it was moving to Waveland in October - they will just have to rebuild it from scratch instead of what they had planned. Treasure Bay was damaged by every recent storm, though - it would be a goner for sure.