But if you take the path over the last 2 hours, and extrapolate it in a straight line of direction, this storm makes landfall on the MS/AL border. The angle puts the extreme NW Florida Panhandle in the front right quadrant.
Herein lies your problem. Stop trying extrapolate a 2 hour movement. I agree with your statement that everyone in the hurricane watch (Intracoastal City to MS/AL border) needs to pay close attention, but not based on a two hour movement that in my opinion still had move to do with the ERWC than that a overall shift in motion. Give it another 3-6 hours and lets see what happens.
Also, check your XTRAP, the storm moved .2N and .3W in the last three hours. If you take that out, you get 26.8 88.9......and that is not anywhere near the MS/AL line.
Shouldn't we actually watch a 6-12 hour loop? Like you said, 2 hours is not going to be conclusive.