Here's a site with lots of photos of the storm. They are all copyright since they sell to newspapers and such, so you can't post copies of them, but they are available over at their site: http://editorial.gettyimages.com/source/...p;p=1&tag=6 --------- Also, we have a few good satellite photos of the storm from yesterday: NASA TERRA/AQUA from MODIS - 1915Z today: http://rapidfire.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/gallery/?2005241-0829/Katrina.A2005241.1915.2km.jpg NASA TERRA/AQUA from MODIS - 1700Z yesterday: http://rapidfire.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/gallery/?2005240-0828/Katrina.A2005240.1700.2km.jpg NASA GOES 12 from APOD: http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/image/0508/katrina_goes12_big.jpg Note on the MODIS images - click the "Alternate Pixel Size" links at the top to zoom in - you can zoom WAY in, but the 250m is a huge file. --RC |