LI Phil
Mon Aug 29 2005 10:42 PM
Re: TSFH-2


Phil, What does this mean? "i was gonna use "TSFH2" as my 2005 catchphrase..."

I'll delete this after you reply.

no need to delete...last year, about 1/2 to 3/4ths of the way into the season (before ivan & jeanne, but after charley and frances) i dubbed 2004 "The Season From Hell (or TSFH for short)" . Somewhat jokingly, at the beginning of this season, i was thinking about a catchphrase for this year..."Buckle Up" for some reason came to mind, and i kept it...but i did strongly consider TSFH-2 and decided after last year, (1) how could this year be worse and (2) i'd prolly be in bad taste...i was wrong on both accounts

>>> Anyone needing 911 service in ordered evacuation areas should be charged some sort of fee. Up here, you call in/pull a false fire alarm, you get a $500 fine and are liable for any damage/deaths caused by the emergency services responding to your own stupidity...

i realize where you are coming from with a post like this...but in light of what just happened...realizing that many people COULDN'T (for whatever reason) or WOULDN'T evac...due to pets, sick relatives, whatever...well, you kind of sound like an (expletive not permitted) gotta be kidding me

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