BRM, thanks for the additional reference to the site; I went back there and checked and there is good news for the west side of the city (near Kenner and the airport) and Old Metairie (which, if I'm not mistaken, is where Steve calls home). From what it sounds like, the flooding there is not bad enough to keep the pumps from running and they may be able to clear things out in the not too distant future.
Not so good news, though, for those outside the levee system or for that I-10 bridge. I guess it shouldn't be surprising to hear that similar damage to the Escambia Bay bridge during Ivan was realized with that bridge, but having that bridge down (and possibly the Ponchartrain causeway across the lake as well) really limits the car traffic into the region for quite some time. I can only hope that daybreak brings better news for the residents of the Gulf coast, but in some areas it is only going to get worse before it gets better.