I just saw a replay on CNN of an interview with reporter Jeanne Meserve in New Orleans done about 2 hours ago. This interview was one of the most chilling things I have ever heard/seen. Ms. Meserve's voice was full of emotion and it was obvious she'd been through a lot. For those who have not seen this interview, here are a few things that she said. She described seeing a live dog with live power lines wrapped around it continuously electrocuting the still living animal, she described hearing the cries of people stuck in their attics, but police were unable to help because conditions were to hazardous, she said that there were bodies floating, she described hearing the yelps of trapped dogs, highway on ramps are now boat ramps, unfortunately this was occuring in a poorer neighborhod where she was fearful people were unable to evacuate do to financial reasons or otherwise, she described seeing a woman with her leg severed off, and finally she said that she had the impression that when she returned to New Orleans water was about 6 inches higher than when she left. |