O.K. What I was trying to convey is this. I don't expect other countries to come running to aid Americans in time of need. We are going to get through this as we always do. But this is of a different magnatude, that no one can imagine. To say that we as Americans are standing by to assist our own, will be tremendous out pouring from everyone. When it comes to donations and supplies, why not from other countries? This tradegy as it will be unfolded in the days and weeks, perhaps mothns and years, can and probally be more than anyone can bear. This is humane suffering, not just as Americans, but we as humans have to share this with everyone. I'm sure it has been beemed around the world for all to see, we too as a country need help in these kind of tragedies, of course we also have the resources to do this alone, but do we have too? I say not, yes every citizen of this great Nation should stand ready to assist our own citizens in anyway they can. Outside assistance would always be welcomed from our Allies. Isn't this tragedy the "Call" for help. they barely helped us after 9/11...keep dreaming |