(Weather Hobbyist)
Tue Aug 30 2005 02:41 PM
Re: Katrina Aftermath

Unfortunately there will always be some low lifes who take advantage of someone else's misery. I prefer to talk about the police, fire, EMS, National Guard, Red Cross and other volunteers who put others above their own needs. God Bless Em. We're going to see an outpouring of help from all over our country. And it's not just the government that's going to make this work--it's going to be the average American citizen who has and will always step forward when a national crisis occurs, and this is a national crisis. We're the children and grandchildren of "The Greatest Generation" and we'll continue their legacy of commitment, unselfishess and sacrifice. As a symbol of my support for all those Katrina affected and our unity in this time of crisis, I put the Stars and Stripes up this morning. It'll stay there a while.

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