(Weather Hobbyist)
Tue Aug 30 2005 07:14 PM
Re: Katrina Aftermath

Sorry, moderators, but I read this site for current tropical weather info and all info about hurricanes and their nature. I'm with you guys wanting to keep on topic, but I had to respond to the so-called "Global Warming" postings!
Please, enough blaming of these hurricanes on "Global Warming"! Global warming has been refuted! See the following web-site... http://www.kn4lf.com/kn4lf42.htm
We are in an active cycle...check your history of past decades...including this one...
Also, the hurricanes of 1928 and 1935, etc.
The people that are screaming "Global Warming" are the same ones screaming a few years back about us going into a new Ice Age! Which is it?

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