I just found out that one of my favorite restaurants (and one of my bars) is STILL OPEN! Truly amazing, the French Quarter is. The Oceana Grill (a seafood place...amazing food) is still serving up warm beer and gumbo and BBQ shrimp. Apparently they survived, and are cooking on gas griils. Johnny White's (NEVER closes) is still apparently open as well, and selling their goods for LESS than they used to. That is why I love N'ahlins so much. Story here: http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/afp/20050831/lf_afp/usweatherfood_050831004814 Wow. Thought I'd chuck in some positive news, since much of what we're seeing/hearing/reading is so negative. /Anton //Hungry for good gumbo now |