Calling them insurgents must mean that you can forget that they are human. and you know humanity when you are pretty much cut off from the rest of socity. That is what happening in New Orleans, they are pretty much in a hole in the ground with no one to lead them and no easy way to get help when the whole city is flooding. It's easy for Texas and Alabama and and Mississippi to look like they have things organized when they aren't surronded by water and have thousands stranded in the middle. Mississippi doen't have to worry about picking people up off of roofs and having people loot and canals break hours after the storm, most of there people were already dead in the hurricane zone, whereas NO got cut off from the law and order and quick help and this is what happens. Organization is easy to say and plan, but not to do when you have limited resources because your city got cut off from the rest of the world and two states over are jsut as bad if not worst off as you are and we have most of our trained people who would be on stand-by to deal with this are in a war on the other side of the world(Don't believe tthem when they say we have enough people to handle this disaster, if we did, then we wouldn't be having this problem). There are so many peopel vs so little helpers who are ready and no one knew the real damage and mentality of what people woudl do in this situation till Tuesday. Insurgents, why don't you just call them Terrorist... |