I couldn't believe my ears when I heard Director Brown either. How could the man in charge of the recue and recovery efforts NOT know about the second largest shelter in the city? It's not like they had huge shelters all over the place. With all of the flyovers during the past few days... I'm pretty certain somebody had to have seen the people. It's kind of hard to hide 20,000 folks. I'm not sure I believe the man. But if he was telling the truth and the FEMA organization did not know about this until today... 3 days after the storm... that is a sad statement of the entire rescue and recovery efforts. I'd almost rather he be lying to me than have it be the latter.
I hope that the authorities exercise due dilegence before letting people back in the city. The whole city is should qualify as a superfund site. If they let people back in too soon, before they have had time to clean it up properly, the health effects could likely last generations. Contamination will be hidden everywhere.