This is my first post here, I am still trying to learn. I have been lurking since Friday...all I can say is I have no words for how I feel about all of this. My heart goes out to all of the people. Also, can't help thinking that if the storm had gone where NHC had first predicted it (Panama City, FL area) I'd now be going through what they are. We have many evacuees in our area, many people are reaching out to them...hotels in the area are calling all of the people who had Labor Day reservations to cancel to make room for the evacuees. They are charging them 1/2 price for rooms. After Labor Day, the rooms will be going for about $20 a night. Area churches are cooking dinners for people. People in town are offering rooms in their homes. We have a 2 bedroom house...my son (15 yrs) is giving up his room for a while so people can stay with us. If we don't hear soon from the Red Cross (we signed up with our church), we will go out to the beach and find a family. I am sure we will be able to, since the news media reported that parking lots, etc are full of families sleeping in their cars. One family in Callaway, FL (where I live) has 21 people in their home and are asking area people for help w/food and such. The outpour here is incredible. Schools in the area are allowing students to enroll w/ no indentifcation/information, etc and will be giving them free lunches. Gulf Coast Community College is allowing college students to attend college free and is offfering library/internet access/showers to any of the evacuees. Restaurtants are either giving free or deeply discounted dinners to evacuees. Yes, gas is going up around here, roughly $2.89 a gallon...although I did see 3.38 at one place. Ironically, one place around here is selling their regular gas for $2.89 and their premium for $2.83. Rumor has it that there will be a gas shortage, but because I have been here lurking for a week now, I know that rushing out in a panic to buy gas is not the answer, so I will not do that. Also, I have not seen long lines at the gas pump here. I just pray that we can get these people out of NO. I don't know whose fault it is, nor do I cast blame on anyone. We (as a nation) need to quit blame calling and passing the buck and need to work together to get those people out. It is such an atrocity... To keep this on topic, I am concerned about that 92L, I have been reading about. Hopefully, it will fizzle out like someone just suggested it would. The last thing we need in our area is another hurricane. I can see mass panic w/people chaotically trying to get out of town around here and it would be a nightmare. I have no met training, so I will just keep lurking to see what happens. Thanks to everyone around here that has keep me and others informed. |