(Weather Master)
Fri Sep 02 2005 12:26 PM
Re: Future Systems

Big Red, my sentiments go with your emotions because my daughter has just been called to go in the military branch that she is in and help out risking her life and because of what she does she is more at risk than the soldiers with guns, (although she is a sharpshooter it is not her job.) But, Germany in the era you were talking about were not used to freedom to come and go as they pleased and they were used to being shot on sight for much less than what has been happening in NO, So they were easier to help. We on the otherhand have been invaded by souless, conscienceless gangs of people that resemble the Feudal states in the beginning of recorded time in Europe. They are neither American nor human. The humans are suffering. The gangs are not.

I am keeping an eye on the prediction regarding something possibly spinning up for a sneak attack(NoGAPs) prayerfully it is a computer model that needs a vacation in Florida not predicting storms.

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