HK.....NRL agrees as 93L is up. I am getting an error right now on NRLs page but I think they are refering to this feature in the 5am TWO: A WELL-DEFINED SURFACE LOW PRESSURE SYSTEM CENTERED ABOUT 400 MILES NORTHEAST OF THE TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS IS DRIFTING SLOWLY NORTHWARD. SCATTERED SHOWERS AND THUNDERSTORMS HAVE GRADUALLY BEEN INCREASING THIS MORNING... AND UPPER-LEVEL WINDS ARE SOMEWHAT FAVORABLE FOR SOME ADDITIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF THIS SYSTEM TO OCCUR OVER THE NEXT COUPLE OF DAYS. The Sat also covers the area we are watching in the Bahamas as well, but that little spin to the NE seems more sinister right now and a better Invest at this time, although it is likely just for the fishys. |