first a bit of correction for Thunderbird12: 25mph seems to be the threashold for TD status--in 1995 that is where TD6 was upgraded i think by now that any speculations from the end of last month about not reaching Dr. Gray's forecast numbers because of a "quiet" August are probably gone. I even expected an active season, and we have 14 storms now, possibly a 15th by this time tomorrow. On average we have 55%-60% of storm activity after August; there were 12 before September, and that may have only been 45% of the season's activity. Now to the actual storms, Maria is weakening, i think it will be a tropical storm by tomorrow morning of not tonight; Nate appears much better organized than even 12 hours ago, it will become a hurricane tomorrow morning; TD16, while disorganized, appears on satellite to be trying to pull itself together, although i am thinking it will not reach 70mph as forecast but more like 50mph. I am currently under a TS Warning also, so i will be headed to the store after work tonight to by film for my camera |