(Weather Master)
Wed Sep 07 2005 10:22 PM
Re: Tropical Storm Ophelia Forms off Florida East Coast

Has Ophelia started to be affected by the gulf stream and is it still as warm as it was when Katrina was getting her act together?
I had a dream several years back about a hurricane going in to Jacksonville and heading south through Tampa Bay. This was after Andrew and before Floyd that I dreamed this. In the dream politics was blamed for a great deal of death and destruction. I am not saying that any of this is going to happen, it is just a dream that stayed with me all these years. It looks like from some of the model plots that it is coming true and the politics could either be the current ones regarding Katrina or more for Florida. I am so hoping that my dream world is just composed of too much publicity and is totally bogus. On the other hand, if the experts that you trust start telling you to get out or to evacuate. Please do. I am not sure if the country could stand more death and destruction in this year.

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