(Senior Storm Chaser)
Sat Sep 17 2005 03:23 PM
Re: Track


16L = OPHELIA 2005 -or- AL162005
17L = TD17 -or- AL172005, this is the system east of the windward islands (close to South America)
18L = TD18 -or- AL182005 Does not yet exist

AL962005 is the system East of the Turks and Caicos islands shown tracking very close to South Florida

Now that GOES is back up, we can see the latest imagery... and it appears that 96L is fizzling at least for now, while TD 17 is probably already Phillippe, but doesn't appear to be moving much to me - only difference between the last image before GOES went down and the one since it came back is size of the system, not location, that I can tell - or maybe a WNW movement, but not NW to my eye.

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