phil....may be a hurricane or near 75mph... recon reported 83kts flight level winds... not positive, but think there flying at 10000ft.... not sure of formula they use to est. surface winds. URNT14 KNHC 190112 SUPPLEMENTARY VORTEX DATA MESSAGE INBOUND LAT LON jHHH TTDD ddfff 01147 10575 12523 11616 25013 02149 20574 22526 21616 99005 03151 30572 32528 31716 99005 04152 40570 42525 41616 99005 05154 50568 52527 51715 27012 06156 60566 62524 61714 29013 07158 70564 72515 71812 26017 08159 80562 82506 81717 30018 09161 90560 92473 91916 30030 MF162 M0559 MF060 OBS 01 AT 23:50:40Z OBS 09 AT 00:19:10Z OBS 01 SFC WND ///// OUTBOUND LAT LON jHHH TTDD ddfff 01165 10557 12460 11515 12073 02167 20555 22507 21515 12045 03168 30553 32522 31616 13035 04170 40551 42526 41615 13047 05172 50550 52533 51514 14040 06174 60548 62537 61615 12032 MF164 M0557 MF083 OBS 01 AT 00:29:20Z OBS 06 AT 00:53:30Z OBS 06 SFC WND ///// AF309 0317A PHILIPPE OB 07 |