(Registered User)
Mon Sep 19 2005 02:16 PM
Re: hurricane warning miami-dade


Sounds like this may be something you have to decide on your own. The way this storm is wrapping up it could explode at any given moment. If you are in a watch/warning area, you could always print out a copy of the local Hurricane statements for your area where they say you should begin to prepare immediately and hand it to your boss/bosses and tell them you're going to take their advice. The cone is just that: a general idea of where they THINK it might go. If you're worried about getting fired, I don't blame you. But think of it this way: if you don't have enough time to prepare your home and it gets destroyed, you won't be all that worried about your job.

Glad to hear you're prepared...unfortunately, there are probably many people who are not.

I have been an employer in south Florida for almost 20 years. We keep our office open or close it based on the official hurricane statements. When Tropical storm warnings/hurricane watches go up we start preparing the business for the storm. When hurricane warnings go up the office is closed within two hours. Since the 100+ employees come from north, south and west, they have always been told to make the preparations they need to make, when they need to make them. I remind them but I don't go around and make sure they are getting their own preparations done. I never fired anyone for going home to prepare for a hurricane.

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