(Weather Hobbyist)
Wed Sep 21 2005 12:29 AM
Re: Storm Radius

My son works at the Container Ship terminal at La Porte SE of Houston. Should Rita significantly impact the area, besides the pipeline and refinery problems, you're looking at serious troubles at one of the country's largest container ports. With the wind field and surge this storm could generate, economic impacts could be more severe than Katrina especially if the ship channel for tankers is negatively impacted. Worst case scenario is a sharp turn to the north offshore from Brownsville with a strong storm coming in almost perpendicular since that will pile water right up the channel. With a one year old daughter and living on the NW side of Houston, he's working till noon tomorrow, heading home to board up and driving to his in-laws in Fort Smith, AR. Took a little doing but I convinced him that he needs to protect himself and his family. Nothing else matters. Wherever this thing eventually goes, looks like a whole bunch of people are going to need our prayers and support.

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