Yeah, I didn't like that one bit. Nor did I like what I appear to be seeing in the last few recon data plots. I am not freaking out - yet - but in the morning that may change. Not that I think we're going to get it "in the face" over here in the Panhandle - but I do not like trends when they go against what's been prognosticated - not only by myself, but also by pro Mets. My "bullseye" last night before the 10pm update was 90.04W at landfall with a nearly-due-north motion - which is roughly the western tip of Galveston. I'm still there, but my confidence is not what it was last evening..... I want to see anotehr six hours of a significantly north of west motion - and a crossing of 25N before or at 88W - before I start getting concerned that my projection was way off-base. 90.04W is the New Orleans Airport...not Galveston.~danielw |