I updated the main Page with some snippets from the 2 AM EDT Trop. Wx Discussion. Main item is 92L. Several areas of low pressure around the FL Peninsula. Upper low in the NE GOM. While a surface low is over the Bahamas. Latest surface observation indicate Vero Beach has the lowest pressure...1005.0mb. Also of note was the difference in the wind directions just N of Vero Beach. While Melbourne has winds from the ESE, the winds at Vero Beach are from the NW. Latest satellite imagery indicating the upper low over the NE GOM is attempting to close off. Trailing convection westward to the mid GOM, south of Terrebone Bay,LA. Outflow from the remnants of Tropical Depression Stan are producing wind shear and appear to be delaying the closing off. AFRES RECON is scheduled for a 10:30AM EDT investigation today...providing it isn't called off by NHC/TPC. Close proximity to land will occasionally result in a cancellation of a flight. While I was composing this. Lou and Wxwatcher2 posted some more up-to-date information.~danielw |