(Senior Storm Chaser)
Wed Oct 05 2005 11:30 AM
Re: Tropical Storm Tammy Forms off East Central Florida Coast

Looks like I posted under the old thread this morning.

Well maybe NHC shouldn't have been so quick to put out the 'last' advis on Stan because I can see rotation in one area of convection that has come off the coast, at about 16N 100W, and it appears that Stan still lives. It appears this is the piece that was the center of the UL circ as it came off the coast. But I could be wrong...

My post from earlier this am (looks like a new stew came of the convection off the Yucatan as well):

Good morning all. Uh oh, the large area of convection remaining over the Yucatan from Stan's strong feeder band that had reached into the Carribean, was not pulled into Mexico, and has quickly moved back into the warm waters of the Carribean south of Cozumel, as Stan dissipated and the remnants moved into the Pacific, and it looks like that low in the GOM could pull it up that direction, if it does not get sheared off into the Carribean south of Cuba -- or in general looks like some of Stan's remnents, or the large amt of energy still in the area, whatever you call it, could move that dir. Ick.

The other area of Stan that had been producing strong convection off Mex SW Pacific coast (fed by the energy of the remnants as they move offshore?) is still going strong.

Tammy is what she is, but it looks like, again, potential for something in the GOM, doesn't it? So many people along MS Gulf Coast still living under a tarp that they're holding up with debris they nailed tog...even the FEMA trailer city that will be complete 8-12 months from now, if it was there today, wouldn't be much shelter from another hurricane.

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