Wouldn't wish a Katrina or Rita on anyone else. Enough for the season. Looks like we will get a Wilma out of this one. Think there will be an Alpha before the season is over? Wouldn't that be the first time in recorded history? This will be an interesting storm to follow, just hopefully not a major cane. Rita was only a 3 and the damage here is overwhelming.
Yeah know...i think right away of how Rita really only fringed the NO area with outer bands/squalls and there was in immediate exacerbation of the levee failures/flooding. So, so fragile is that area - or at least was... I wonder how make-shift the plugs really are, or if a even a category 2 storm running up against that area of the Gulf wouldn't almost have to have a profoundly disasterous result... The fragility of the area that lays in the wake, wouldn't that augment the heck out of a category 2, maximizing it's distructive potential? Intuitively yes... It's really is a horrible, horrible prospect.. Just think what goes through the minds if they saw another psyclops out there with it's eye peering at them...