Wow - I wonder how the values in http://www7320.nrlssc.navy.mil/hhc/watl/hh3.watl.20051015.gif are derived and reduced, because if you look at http://www.osdpd.noaa.gov/PSB/EPS/SST/data/FS_km14nat00.gif anything beneath ~37N in off the East Coast (for example) has average SST's of ~27C, where as the site that illustrates the "hurricane heat" has this same area at 0 content. Ummm....
Typhoon Tip:
This is becuase the Hurricane Heat Content (HHC) map heavily deals with not just the SST but also how deep that warm water penetrates. If you look at the depth of the 26C isotherm and compare it to the HHC map you will find that they are a fairly good match.
26C Isotherm depth: http://www7320.nrlssc.navy.mil/hhc/watl/z26.watl.20051015.gif