Let me just add a few more comments here. Obviously if a person is in the direct path of a storm, say three days out, then that person would want to make plans to evac. Evac meaning if it's a cat 3 or higher and if you are forcasted to be in or near the eyewall. Now, say you live on the outer part of the "cone of error". Common sense will tell you not to evac, three days out, because you are forcasted to only feel minor effects from the storm. Two days out, the forcasters were wrong, the thing doesn't make a big right turn and it's coming after you. Two days out, not even...how are you going to leave? Roads are juiced from the poor sob's south of you who thought they had to leave the day before....see what i am saying here folks????? If there is better than 75% chance that Wilma will NOT make the turn and hit Sarasota or Tampa or even Venice, then why have the landfall point be 150 miles south of Tampa??? Makes no sense!! Tomorrow at this time and even wed and thurs....still may not know what the heck is going on...when will there be time to evac if necessary? No time........once in the gulf Wilma is supposed to haul some butt NE. Trop Storm, Cat 1....fine, can deal with it.....cat 4 or weak cat 3.....i am outta here...but no time if the track isn't known until 24 hrs before landfall. |