yeah saw that.... must of been a bad dropsonde... UZNT13 KNHC 200525 XXAA 2005/ 99339 70845 11734 99899 28004 ///// 00/// ///// 92/// ///// 85498 25405 70198 18200 88999 77999 31313 09608 80513 61616 AF308 0924A WILMA OB 07 62626 EYE 0516 AEV 20507 = XXBB 20058 99339 70845 11734 00899 28004 11850 25405 22721 19617 33705 19400 44697 17400 21212 00899 ///// 31313 09608 80513 61616 AF308 0924A WILMA OB 07 62626 EYE 0516 AEV 20507 = where's the rest? should look like this.... http://www.hurricanehunters.com/tempdrop.htm |