Quote: Could someone in the know about the current models please explain again which models are coupled together? I know the GFS and GFDL, one is run off the other, is the GFS the model that the other models use as a basis for their run? and what other model uses GFS (or GFDL)for the model run, (which could explain why certain models clump together more often that not). Looking at the LBAR, the interesting thing about it is that it's initalized on a very recent plot of information (Other models may use less timely information). And I've noticed as it trends a bit north (north of tampa now....)So do others. also you have A98E and NOGAPS near and just south of Tampa. I'm still not sold on the southerly track. But I'll be happy if it does go south. Though I wouldn't want this to hit anywhere if possible. No panic, just wary... -Mark |