Woo Hoo! Snow day! Snow day! Ooops, I mean Hurricane day... With Hillsborough County schools closed, that means Gulf Coast College in Tampa will be closed also. That's where I work. The International Academy of Design and Techonology is closed Monday also, and I'm a student there. So I have a total day off to watch the weather. Cooool! Of course, we all hope for no loss of property for anybody, or any loss of life. Other than that, I'm looking forward to watching the palm trees dance. OK, I'll be the sole honest person here. I want to be in the eye, with it so strong that it ALMOST causes damage, but not quite. I want my heart to pound to the wind, I want to stand in the doorway invigorated with my eyes wide open watching the sheets of rain blow sideways. I want to BE Jim Cantori! OK, I'm sorry... |