Tropical Depression #26... that just sounds wrong.
I thought so too until I went back and counted:
Here is some silliness to consider: If we get Beta out of this, as seems likely, then I don't feel comfortable referring to Beta as an "it." To me, Beta seems like a guy. One the other hand Delta (well, it doesn't seem so farfetched we could get to Delta), seems like a gal to me, and Gamma, another guy. Don't you just hate the entire Greek name thing? It's not like we would ever run out of real names.
...you know what my father said to me the other day? he goes, "what the hell is the big fuss about... when you have a kid and your having trouble figuring out a name you like, you go buy a book and it has pages and pages and pages, hundreds of names to choose from"...
oh man - what could say