actually...i'm seeing a couple of shear axis' that could serve as interest in the sw caribbean... 90l still sits precariously by the n panama coast with it's gentle twisting motion and some small convective cells... there appears to be newly forming axis of rotation situated along the 15n, between 76 and 70w. not much convection there, but with difluence aloft and a shear axis ....gotta watch those. obviously, 90l shall remain the focus for now... also, the area n of 90l some 200naut miles doesn't currenly have a noticeable circulation but that is the deepest convection... interestingly, the entire area of the menagerie is beneath what looks like an even better anticyclonic regime than earlier in the day.. we could conceivably end up with a myriad of thing to observe over the next 2 weeks.. the itcz is belching up some decent stuff mid way between africa and the island; though the lat isn't too charming... |