TD 26 Satellite imagery through 0515Z is showing a "CDO"-like area near the center of circulation. Dvorak satellite estimates are up from the initial CI of 2.0 to the 0515Z CI of 2.1. 0515Z IR loop is indicating Outflow present in the SW Quadrant. From SSE through WNW. WV loop showing an double-topped peak of convection near the center. Convective towers? In this stage of development? 91L, just east of the Lesser Antilles, meanwhile has an impressive, moderately large thunderstorm complex near the center...without any other signs of development. edit-0545Z IR indicating TD 26 is developing better Outflow. The storm now has outflow from the SE through the NW ( 5 o'clock through 10 o'clock positions).~danielw 0625Z |