(Weather Master)
Wed Nov 23 2005 05:06 PM
Re: Why is the NHC not naming this storm?

to anyone who is interested:

if you honestly think that something should be classified, and want to begin your track there, use the nrl satellite loops at 03z, 09z, 15z, and 21z, or as close as you can get, for the positions, and use the indicated winds--thats what ive been doing this and last season, and all but two of them were actually classified: one being the debatable subtropical depression in June near NC, the other being the tropical storm (i say that because it had a closed low and NHC indicated 45mph winds) that was in the middle of the Atlantic prior to Katrina and around the time of Jose, as well as the remaining several days of TD10 after it was classified a remnant low

unnamed TS (far east edge of image)

isn't that tropical storm lee in pre-development? it does have that look. -HF

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