Nanci: Unfortunately, coming into the 'conversation' late, you don't know the history. Margie has relatives who live in the MS impact zone and also she used to live down there I believe. Just because someone now lives in a place far away from hurricanes does not mean they always have!Or that they lack empathy because they think hurricanes are fascinating. As a cracker (native) Floridian, I have been through many storms and have had storm damage...but, still find hurricanes and all storms, fascinating. That doesn't mean I don't recognize the power and danger of the storms and their destruction and it's effects on the lives in the landfall areas and beyond. I am sure this is true for Margie and for the great majority of all posters here. A suggestion...don't 'assume', other than to accept that posters here , 99% of the time, have good intentions...as I am sure you do. And remember, context and history show true intentions and meanings....which can't be gleaned in an instant, or an afternoon. MM |