I thought the convection flareup might be due to shear. I have to admit the most recent frames the blowup of convection is right over the center. I don't think it'll get the chance to wrap around...convection, and all the outflow, is very asymmetrical -- mainly NNE of the center, and the LLC is exposed to the south. If Zeta wasn't moving west, may have had a better chance...convection is still not making it past about 38W, and the center is by now fairly close to 37.5W. And possibly some dry air continues to wrap around the south and up into the east part of the core. --- Latest SSC classification has switched to subtropical...explanation, please. Is this referring to the large majority of convection now being far removed from the center (and possibly the windfield being more spread out?)...or does it mean the recent increase in convection is more baroclinic in nature? DATE/TIME LAT LON CLASSIFICATION STORM 30/2330 UTC 25.7N 37.3W ST2.5/3.0 97 30/1145 UTC 24.7N 36.4W T2.5/2.5 97 30/0545 UTC 24.3N 36.4W T1.0/1.5 97 |