Holy <pick your expletive>! I go out of town for the weekend, come back into town and see a blob out in the east Atlantic on the TWO, and come here and see MikeC's discussion, mentioning a name I do not care to hear: IVAN. On top of that, NRL appears to be down, and SSD does not have a floater on 90L yet. Obviously the discussion of a long-range path for a system that has yet to organize into a depression is very premature, but... the computer models certainly paint what could ultimately turn into a very grim picture. I've been away since Friday as I said so I don't know the genesis of this system, but looking at the graph based upon the realm of speculation, it looks like if it develops further east, it's more likely to go into the Gulf, whereas if it develops further west, it's more likely to be more north, and take aim at the eastern seaboard, or be a fish spinner. Is this the speculation, or am I misinterpreting the graph? |