Quote: You need to find the website for your county's EOC and follow their instructions. You can most likely find a free hurricane guide at any Publix or other grocery store, or call the local TV stations to find out where they're giving them away. Build yourself a hurricane kit -- you can also find instructions on SFWMD's page at: https://my.sfwmd.gov/portal/page?_pageid=2854,19644915,2854_19644929&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL They have a lot of links to different agencies. You should be prepared for EVERY hurricane. Only until EOC and the NHC announces the all-clear for your area should you not pay attention to where it is. I'm not saying board up now, I'm saying use common sense, get the information you need, and get ready. This is the time of year when we'll start seeing potentially dangerous happenings in the tropics. |