Hi, I am new here, found this site a few days ago. Great information given here. I live in Louisiana and do have a question about the high pressure that is currently sitting on top of us here in the southeast. Does anyone know if this high pressure will eventually move away and allow Dean to hit the central gulf coast? The reason I ask is, I remember Rita in 2005 and she rode the high pressure to the La/Tx border as the high pressure kept moving farther east. Is there any indication this might happen this time? Thanks in advance!
It's really too early to tell as of now. Dean, even moving as fast as it is now, is still at least 6 days from the Gulf of Mexico. A lot can change over the course of those 6 days, though right now the various computer models are becoming more consistent on showing a track toward the western Gulf of Mexico as it rides along the south side of one of those ridges of high pressure. It's possible that a weakness develops in the ridge and allows Dean to ride around its western periphery, but that's beyond the range of reasonable forecast skill and accuracy. For now, just stay tuned -- once we get to the weekend, we should know more.