I was hoping that Felix would hit or extend an ERC. An ERC at landfall would spare some damage. Probably not much will be spared at 150 mph. If there is any one good thing about Felix it will be the forward speed. The storm shouldn't linger over any one location very long. However... the forward speed is also added to the wind speed in the right front quadrant. Roughly 150mph + 17 mph= 167mph wind damage swath at some point. Those reading in the area of the Honduran/ Nicaraguan Border please go to a place of safety Now! Higher ground away from rivers and mudslide areas is best if possible. Hills and mountain residents be prepared for extremely heavy rainfall. Increasing the threat for mudslides and landslides. Seek shelter now. Before the weather prevents going to a shelter. SE ESPERA QUE FELIX PUEDA PRODUCIR DE 5 A 10 PULGADAS DE LLUVIA A TRAVES DEL NORTE DE NICARAGUA Y GRAN PARTE DE HONDURAS...CON CANTIDADES AISLADAS POSIBLES DE 20 PULGADAS. ESTAS LLUVIAS PUDIERAN PRODUCIR INUNDACIONES REPENTINAS Y DESLIZAMIENTOS DE LODO QUE AMENAZAN VIDAS Y PROPIEDADES. Huracan FELIX Aviso Publico |