Fay should halt her northward movement in the next 6-12 hrs then meander for a day or so before moving west due to the building ridge now entering the Ohio Valley tonight and into the Mid Atlantic and NorthEast on Weds. How strong the ridge gets will determine if Fay moves W or just north (or south) of west. Currently Fays center is just south of the dry air pocket around Melbourne and meandering NNE again and should come off the coast near Melbourne beach in a few hours.. Then the question is (when she gets to 28.5-29N) how far off the coast will she be? 10miles? 50 miles? It will make a difference in how strong she gets. Then since the ridge is building in Weds-Thurs how much time over the water does she have and direction she takes. She does have a 60% chance of making it to the GOM off of Hernado-Citrus county by Friday. Also I give it the same amount of making it to a 80mph hurricane if she stays offshore Brevard at least 25miles until Thursday night.