Ike continues to organize into landfall, with the once 70 mile-wide center of circulation continuing to contract. Outflow is far superior in all quadrants than just about at any other time in Ike's entire lifespan, thus far; and while not especially warm to much depth, ocean temps along the upper Texas coast are quite a bit warmer than the ocean temps along the eastern half of Louisiana as Gustav came in. Have uploaded a recent water vapor image highlighting Ike's excellent breathing. An additional threat to those who are going to be experiencing the actual eyewall: The eye has been displaying embedded swirls all night, with several vortices noted within the innermost portions of the eyewall. This is indicative of an eyewall experiencing a lot of turbulence, and the kind of twisting and turning often very capable of quickly spinning up numerous EF-0 and EF-1 tornadoes without warning. |