At 15/03Z, Gert continues moving generally north toward Bermuda as a 40knot Tropical Storm. On the current track forecast the cyclone would pass a little to the east of Bermuda on Monday, however, any expansion or slight shift to the left would bring stronger winds over the Island. Invest 92L seems to be getting absorbed by Gert's circulation and its becoming difficult to recognize 92L as a separate system. I'm not quite sure that I understand the reason for this one, but there is actually yet another system in the north Atlantic - newly minted Invest 96L which was located at 36.7N 63.8W at 14/18Z. It is moving rapidly to the north and was close to 39N at 15/03Z. Its a small system with a circulation and convection displaced to the east of the center. It will soon get absorbed by a frontal system to its west. ED |